Joahhna's Blog
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Difficulties understanding everyday life
There is no such thing as having a bad day
Having sex makes people malicious
The Touhou district (Beware, Cirno watches you)
Making a Nazrin fumo myself
I've got some Reimu and Marisa plushies recently
Wanna be Lain, actual Cyberpunk, so-called Hacker
New Setup with Gentoo
Angelchat is up and running
The Game table
Disciples Sacred Lands Gold is perfect and I love it. An in-depth analysis of a great game
May I present you my munchkin deck as of now
Implementing Munchkin as a computer game in Common Lisp (or Java)
Making my own Munchkin cards
Special ed kid pretends to be math savvy or something
Finding virgin numbers on the internet with a simple script
Some things I noticed while playing with Geogebra
Everything is political after all
Magic is the best way to achieve transhumanist post-left anarcho-communism and meet anarcho-egoist neo-luddist ideals at the same time
The Comoscommune's Manifesto
The free software movement is, as paradox it seems, hijacked by right-wingers
People of the many letters
An essay on my gender dysphoria
Biological sex is a spook as Stirner would say, it doesn't exist