Sex is weird and people who have had it even more so. For most people it seems so commonplace that they never think about it and it's consequences to one's mind. Let me explain.
Later the day I have seen a poster about how it is of great importance for breastfeeding mothers that their babys have as much contact to the mother's skin as possible in order to form a close bond with eachother. When you think about it, it makes sense. Everyone would intuitively approve of the statement that such contact in such formative years will affect how you turn out to be later on. With sex it's not that much of a difference.
Further more, and here we slowly are approaching the point I am trying to make, the way people have sex in it's very nature is harmful to one's mind. I do not think it was intended that you move while having sex. Supposedly (I am not implying that some kind of higher force made this to be this way, rather than just nature having developed like this) you were just laying in bed without moving at all and just fell at sleep, while the penis was inserted into the vagina and the next day, without any penetration whatsoever, the woman was impregnated. (Now "sleeping with eachother" makes much more sense). I am convinced that this part of lustful moving is what results in the harm done to the person.
I am not judging the harm done by any moral standards. But evidently the emotional damage done by this act can be well observed behavior. There is no general type that would suit all people who had sex, but I generally speaking there are a few traits, very negative ones in particular, that are a result of this harmful activity. From personal expierenence people who have had sex have a higher tendency to behave sadistic and sociopathic.[1] While most bullies in high school have had sex, their victims most of the time did not. Barely any virgin will turn into a bully later on. [2]. A thing I also want to emphasize is that this change is much more blatant in woman, what doesn't mean that men who have had sex can not be on the far right end of the "bad human" bell curve. (I am not too sure about this though, it could be a purely subjective thing, the more I think about it, the more subjective it seems. Meaning that I just consider woman to be worse, because I expierenced them worse. But somebody else might say that those malicious personality traits are more distinct on the man site of things. It safe to say though that both sexes take great damage from sexual intercourse. In the end I am not sure.)
The damage done is irreparable too. Once a person expierenced these intense feelings,[3] there is no way back. You are damaged for life. (Pretty much the same way you are completely screwed up if you did not expierence love from your mother as a little child or love from a girl in your teenage years. Completely beyond repair.)
I do not mean those terms in the sense of a clinical diagnosis, rather than just to describe those tendencies, even though those both meanings practially overlap.
Please do not show me some cherrypicked "evidence" speaking against this. It's clear how it is distributed, meaning sex, in case of bullies.
I know some people would say "this emotional stuff concerning sex isn't that much of a great deal". They are wrong. To all those people, dare I say, that they should think back to their first time and the last time they had sex. It's something completely different, due to the emotional stuff going on.
Some people might claim that this change I am describing is just puberty, but this statement is simply false. There is a correlation, sure, (meaning that most people will have their first time in their teenage years) but no causality. When you look at people who remained virgins throughout their teenage years it's clear that those people did not change in such a way. It's sex what's doing the harm.
I am not promoting any religious or spiritual ideas. The conclusions drawn in this article are purely based on personal expierence, hence I do not use any external sources or anything. I am trying to make a point from what I have observed from other people and my enviroment and share it with you, rather than having some scientific thesis or promoting any politics of any kind
Even though I am not well-versed in Abrahamic theology, I find the idea that lust and love are quite opposites and not compatible with each other pretty interesting. (By the way, I am not implying support for other Abrahamic ideas. For example it would be interesting to view this whole sex thing from a homosexual's perspective. Regarding this I haven't drawn a conclusion on the topic yet. If I think of something note-worthy, it'll be written down here in this article as soon as possible.)